I need script report of attendance with salary report

Hi All,
i need Script report of Attedance with salary report for checking the amount of salary to cross-verify before creating payroll i need report like below image

def execute(filters=None):
columns, data = ,

# Define columns
columns = [
    {"label": "Employee", "fieldname": "employee", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Employee", "width": 120},
    {"label": "Employee Name", "fieldname": "employee_name", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 200},
    {"label": "Total Present", "fieldname": "total_present", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 80},
    {"label": "Total Absent", "fieldname": "total_absent", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 80},
    {"label": "Total Holidays", "fieldname": "total_holidays", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 80},
    {"label": "Total Late Entries", "fieldname": "total_late_entries", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 100},
    {"label": "Total Early Exits", "fieldname": "total_early_exits", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 100},
    {"label": "Total No of Days", "fieldname": "total_days", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 100},
    {"label": "Net Payable Salary", "fieldname": "net_payable_salary", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 150},
    {"label": "Advance Paid", "fieldname": "advance_paid", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 120},
    {"label": "Net Payable After Advance", "fieldname": "net_payable_after_advance", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 180}

# Default date range for testing (August 2024)
filters = {
    "from_date": "2024-08-01",
    "to_date": "2024-08-31"

# Query attendance data
attendance_records = frappe.db.sql("""
        SUM(CASE WHEN att.status = 'Present' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS total_present,
        SUM(CASE WHEN att.status = 'Absent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS total_absent,
        SUM(CASE WHEN att.holiday = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS total_holidays,
        SUM(att.late_entry) AS total_late_entries,
        SUM(att.early_exit) AS total_early_exits
        `tabAttendance` att
        `tabEmployee` emp ON att.employee = emp.name
        att.attendance_date BETWEEN %(from_date)s AND %(to_date)s
        att.employee ASC
""", filters, as_dict=1)

# Ensure attendance records are found
if not attendance_records:
    frappe.msgprint("No attendance records found for the selected period.")
    return columns, data

# Calculate totals and handle salary
for record in attendance_records:
    total_days = 31  # Assuming August has 31 days
    record["total_days"] = total_days

    # Fetch salary details and advance payments
    salary_structure = frappe.get_value("Salary Structure Assignment", {"employee": record.employee}, "base")
    advance_paid = frappe.db.sql("""
        SELECT SUM(advance_paid) 
        FROM `tabSalary Advance` 
        WHERE employee = %s AND docstatus = 1
    """, record.employee)[0][0] or 0

    record["net_payable_salary"] = salary_structure
    record["advance_paid"] = advance_paid
    record["net_payable_after_advance"] = flt(salary_structure) - flt(advance_paid)


return columns, data

i tried this code but not workjing can anyone please help me out!
Thanks in Advance

You need to initialize data as an empty list before appending records to it.

Fetch Salary Structure

and ensure Variable Scoping and proper float conversion

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