I want PTO word of end of each page except last page

i create print format for Quotaion if i add more item in item table. Then on printing the content go in more than one page . i want that when content print more than one page so at end of every page P.T.O word print this word not print in last page.

/* Ensure the content is styled properly for printing */ @media print { .page { page-break-after: always; position: relative; }
        .pto {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            text-align: right;
            width: 100%;

        .pto:last-of-type {
            display: none;
    <div class="item-table">
        <!-- Assume this section will loop through items dynamically -->
        {%- for item in doc.items -%}
            <!-- Each item rendering here -->
            <div class="item">
                <!-- Item details -->
            <!-- Page break logic - Adjust based on your requirement -->
            {% if loop.index % 5 == 0 %}
            <div class="page">
                <div class="pto">P.T.O</div>
            {% endif %}
        {%- endfor -%}

    <!-- Your other footer details here -->


please try this type of print format code

1 Like

this is my print format below .In my Item some item has more description(more than 10 lines) some item has less description (less than four line)

{% if letter_head %}
	<div class="letter-head">
		     	{{ letter_head }}
	{% endif %}
<table width="100%"> 
        {% set transaction_date = frappe.utils.get_datetime(doc.transaction_date).strftime("%d-%B-%Y") %}
               <td> {{ transaction_date or ''}}</td>
    <tr width="100%">
        <td width="40%">To,<br>
        <b style="color: #191ff9; font-size: 20px; font-family: sans-serif;">{{doc.customer_name}}</b><br>
        <span><b>Contact Person : </b>{{ doc.contact_display or ''}}</span><br>
        <span><b>Add : </b>
         {% set lead_address = doc.customer_address %}
         {% set add = frappe.get_doc("Address", lead_address) %}
         {{add.address_line2}}<br>{{add.city}}, {{add.state}}, {{add.pincode}}
        <span><b>Contact Number : </b>{{doc.contact_mobile}}</span><br>
        <span><b>Email : </b>{{doc.contact_email}}</span>
        <td width="60%"></td>
        <span><b>Subject : </b>Quotaion for {% for item in doc.items %}{{item.item_group}} {% endfor %}</span><br>
         <span><b>Ref Number :</b>{{doc.custom_ref_no or " "}}</span>
             <td colspan='2'>
        <p>Respected Sir,<br>
            Thank you for giving us an opportunity for serving your esteem organization. We would like to submit our quotation for the above requirement as mentioned by you
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspcing="0">
            <tr width="100%" class="txt-alg-C">
          {% for item in doc.items %}
            <tr width="100%">
                <td width="4%" class="txt-c"><b>{{loop.index}}</b></td>
                <td width="25%" style="text-align: center;"><img src="{{item.image or ''}}" alt=""></td>
                 <td width="40%"><b>{{item.item_name}}</b> <br> <span style="font-size: 12px;">{{item.description or ''}}</span></td>
                <td width="10%" class="txt-c">{{item.rate or ''}}</td>
                <td width="5%" class="txt-c">{{ '%g'|format(item.qty) }}</td>
                <td width="13%" class="txt-c">{{item.base_amount or ''}}</td>
            {% endfor %}
            <tr><td colspan='4' style='text-align: right;'>Sub Total</td> <td colspan='2' style='text-align: right;'>{{ frappe.format(doc.base_total | abs, {'fieldtype': 'Currency'}) }}</td> </tr>
            <tr><td colspan='4' style='text-align: right;'>GST 18%</td> <td colspan='2' style='text-align: right;'>{{ frappe.format(doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges | abs, {'fieldtype': 'Currency'}) }}</td> </tr>
            <tr><td colspan='4' style='text-align: right;'>Grand Total</td> <td  colspan='2' style='text-align: right; color: #191ff9; font-weight:bold;'>{{ frappe.format(doc.base_rounded_total | abs, {'fieldtype': 'Currency'}) }}</td> </tr>

<div style="page-break-after: always;"> </div>
 <table width="100%" border="1" cellspcing="0">
       <tr><td align="center"><b>Term and Conditions</b></td></tr>
        <td> {% for item in doc.items %}
           {% set term = frappe.get_doc("Item", item.item_code) %}  
        {{ term.custom_item_terms_and_conditions or ""}} <hr style="width:4px; color: black;">
        {% endfor %}


<table width="100%"><tr><td>
        <p>We hope that our quotation falls in line with your requirement and assuring for our best services.</p><br>
        <p>Thanking you,<br>
            Yours’s faithfully <br>
           <span style="font-size: 16px; color: red; font-weight: bold; font-family:Times New Roman;">For M/s. HI-TECH ENTERPRISES</span>
            <p><b> {% set creator = frappe.get_doc("User", doc.owner) %}
            {{creator.full_name or ''}}<br>
            {{creator.role_profile_name or ''}}<br>
            {{creator.mobile_no or ''}}</b>