I want to edit in general ledger

i want to remove these row form report

You have to customize the report. please check the report path and customize it your according.

i determined the version

and create new report

then copy the files
js this changes

			fieldname: "from_date",
			label: __("From Date"),
			fieldtype: "Date",
			default: frappe.datetime.get_today(),
			reqd: 1,
			width: "60px",
			fieldname: "show_opening_entries",
			label: __("Show Opening Entries"),
			fieldtype: "Check",
//erpnext.utils.add_dimensions("General Ledger", 15);

py and comment two rows



then i get these error

Please check in Accounts Settings.

Field is there or not.

ERPNext: v15.23.1 (version-15)
Frappe Framework: v15.26.0 (version-15)
Frappe HR: v15.20.3 (version-15)

Please update the version and check it.

i could not update the system is live
it worked in lasted version but in this version

i want to know form where the throw fired?
in this version

so you have to copy the that version code, not latest.

i did it

migrate the site and check it. enable_immutable_ledger code is not there in the general ledger report.

It is available in the latest version.

is not there but the error is still there

I don’t know, what is the issue.

Again copy the code and paste it and check it.

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt

from collections import OrderedDict

import frappe
from frappe import _, _dict
from frappe.utils import cstr, getdate

from erpnext import get_company_currency, get_default_company
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import (
from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import get_cost_centers_with_children
from erpnext.accounts.report.utils import convert_to_presentation_currency, get_currency
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_account_currency

# to cache translations
TRANSLATIONS = frappe._dict()

def execute(filters=None):
	if not filters:
		return [], []

	account_details = {}

	if filters and filters.get("print_in_account_currency") and not filters.get("account"):
		frappe.throw(_("Select an account to print in account currency"))

	for acc in frappe.db.sql("""select name, is_group from tabAccount""", as_dict=1):
		account_details.setdefault(acc.name, acc)

	if filters.get("party"):
		filters.party = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("party"))

	validate_filters(filters, account_details)


	filters = set_account_currency(filters)

	columns = get_columns(filters)


	res = get_result(filters, account_details)

	return columns, res

def update_translations():
		dict(OPENING=_("Opening"), TOTAL=_("Total"), CLOSING_TOTAL=_("Closing (Opening + Total)"))

def validate_filters(filters, account_details):
	if not filters.get("company"):
		frappe.throw(_("{0} is mandatory").format(_("Company")))

	if not filters.get("from_date") and not filters.get("to_date"):
			_("{0} and {1} are mandatory").format(frappe.bold(_("From Date")), frappe.bold(_("To Date")))

	if filters.get("account"):
		filters.account = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("account"))
		for account in filters.account:
			if not account_details.get(account):
				frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists").format(account))

	if filters.get("account") and filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Account":
		filters.account = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("account"))
		for account in filters.account:
			if account_details[account].is_group == 0:
				frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Child Account, if grouped by Account"))

	if filters.get("voucher_no") and filters.get("group_by") in ["Group by Voucher"]:
		frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher"))

	if filters.from_date > filters.to_date:
		frappe.throw(_("From Date must be before To Date"))

	if filters.get("project"):
		filters.project = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("project"))

	if filters.get("cost_center"):
		filters.cost_center = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("cost_center"))

def validate_party(filters):
	party_type, party = filters.get("party_type"), filters.get("party")

	if party and party_type:
		for d in party:
			if not frappe.db.exists(party_type, d):
				frappe.throw(_("Invalid {0}: {1}").format(party_type, d))

def set_account_currency(filters):
	if filters.get("account") or (filters.get("party") and len(filters.party) == 1):
		filters["company_currency"] = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", filters.company, "default_currency")
		account_currency = None

		if filters.get("account"):
			if len(filters.get("account")) == 1:
				account_currency = get_account_currency(filters.account[0])
				currency = get_account_currency(filters.account[0])
				is_same_account_currency = True
				for account in filters.get("account"):
					if get_account_currency(account) != currency:
						is_same_account_currency = False

				if is_same_account_currency:
					account_currency = currency

		elif filters.get("party") and filters.get("party_type"):
			gle_currency = frappe.db.get_value(
				"GL Entry",
				{"party_type": filters.party_type, "party": filters.party[0], "company": filters.company},

			if gle_currency:
				account_currency = gle_currency
				account_currency = (
					if filters.party_type in ["Employee", "Shareholder", "Member"]
					else frappe.get_cached_value(filters.party_type, filters.party[0], "default_currency")

		filters["account_currency"] = account_currency or filters.company_currency
		if filters.account_currency != filters.company_currency and not filters.presentation_currency:
			filters.presentation_currency = filters.account_currency

	return filters

def get_result(filters, account_details):
	accounting_dimensions = []
	if filters.get("include_dimensions"):
		accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions()

	gl_entries = get_gl_entries(filters, accounting_dimensions)

	data = get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, accounting_dimensions, gl_entries)

	result = get_result_as_list(data, filters)

	return result

def get_gl_entries(filters, accounting_dimensions):
	currency_map = get_currency(filters)
	select_fields = """, debit, credit, debit_in_account_currency,
		credit_in_account_currency """

	if filters.get("show_remarks"):
		if remarks_length := frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "general_ledger_remarks_length"):
			select_fields += f",substr(remarks, 1, {remarks_length}) as 'remarks'"
			select_fields += """,remarks"""

	order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, account, creation"

	if filters.get("include_dimensions"):
		order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, creation"

	if filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Voucher":
		order_by_statement = "order by posting_date, voucher_type, voucher_no"
	if filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Account":
		order_by_statement = "order by account, posting_date, creation"

	if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
		filters["company_fb"] = frappe.get_cached_value(
			"Company", filters.get("company"), "default_finance_book"

	dimension_fields = ""
	if accounting_dimensions:
		dimension_fields = ", ".join(accounting_dimensions) + ","

	transaction_currency_fields = ""
	if filters.get("add_values_in_transaction_currency"):
		transaction_currency_fields = (
			"debit_in_transaction_currency, credit_in_transaction_currency, transaction_currency,"

	gl_entries = frappe.db.sql(
			name as gl_entry, posting_date, account, party_type, party,
			voucher_type, voucher_subtype, voucher_no, {dimension_fields}
			cost_center, project, {transaction_currency_fields}
			against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account_currency,
			against, is_opening, creation {select_fields}
		from `tabGL Entry`
		where company=%(company)s {get_conditions(filters)}

	if filters.get("presentation_currency"):
		return convert_to_presentation_currency(gl_entries, currency_map)
		return gl_entries

def get_conditions(filters):
	conditions = []

	if filters.get("account"):
		filters.account = get_accounts_with_children(filters.account)
		conditions.append("account in %(account)s")

	if filters.get("cost_center"):
		filters.cost_center = get_cost_centers_with_children(filters.cost_center)
		conditions.append("cost_center in %(cost_center)s")

	if filters.get("voucher_no"):

	if filters.get("against_voucher_no"):

	if filters.get("ignore_err"):
		err_journals = frappe.db.get_all(
			"Journal Entry",
				"company": filters.get("company"),
				"docstatus": 1,
				"voucher_type": ("in", ["Exchange Rate Revaluation", "Exchange Gain Or Loss"]),
		if err_journals:
			filters.update({"voucher_no_not_in": [x[0] for x in err_journals]})

	if filters.get("voucher_no_not_in"):
		conditions.append("voucher_no not in %(voucher_no_not_in)s")

	if filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Party" and not filters.get("party_type"):
		conditions.append("party_type in ('Customer', 'Supplier')")

	if filters.get("party_type"):

	if filters.get("party"):
		conditions.append("party in %(party)s")

	if not (
		or filters.get("party")
		or filters.get("group_by") in ["Group by Account", "Group by Party"]
		conditions.append("(posting_date >=%(from_date)s or is_opening = 'Yes')")

	conditions.append("(posting_date <=%(to_date)s or is_opening = 'Yes')")

	if filters.get("project"):
		conditions.append("project in %(project)s")

	if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"):
		if filters.get("finance_book"):
			if filters.get("company_fb") and cstr(filters.get("finance_book")) != cstr(
					_("To use a different finance book, please uncheck 'Include Default FB Entries'")
				conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
			conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(company_fb)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
		if filters.get("finance_book"):
			conditions.append("(finance_book in (%(finance_book)s, '') OR finance_book IS NULL)")
			conditions.append("(finance_book in ('') OR finance_book IS NULL)")

	if not filters.get("show_cancelled_entries"):
		conditions.append("is_cancelled = 0")

	from frappe.desk.reportview import build_match_conditions

	match_conditions = build_match_conditions("GL Entry")

	if match_conditions:

	accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions(as_list=False)

	if accounting_dimensions:
		for dimension in accounting_dimensions:
			# Ignore 'Finance Book' set up as dimension in below logic, as it is already handled in above section
			if not dimension.disabled and dimension.document_type != "Finance Book":
				if filters.get(dimension.fieldname):
					if frappe.get_cached_value("DocType", dimension.document_type, "is_tree"):
						filters[dimension.fieldname] = get_dimension_with_children(
							dimension.document_type, filters.get(dimension.fieldname)
						conditions.append(f"{dimension.fieldname} in %({dimension.fieldname})s")
						conditions.append(f"{dimension.fieldname} in %({dimension.fieldname})s")

	return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else ""

def get_accounts_with_children(accounts):
	if not isinstance(accounts, list):
		accounts = [d.strip() for d in accounts.strip().split(",") if d]

	all_accounts = []
	for d in accounts:
		account = frappe.get_cached_doc("Account", d)
		if account:
			children = frappe.get_all(
				"Account", filters={"lft": [">=", account.lft], "rgt": ["<=", account.rgt]}
			all_accounts += [c.name for c in children]
			frappe.throw(_("Account: {0} does not exist").format(d))

	return list(set(all_accounts))

def get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, accounting_dimensions, gl_entries):
	data = []

	gle_map = initialize_gle_map(gl_entries, filters)

	totals, entries = get_accountwise_gle(filters, accounting_dimensions, gl_entries, gle_map)

	# Opening for filtered account

	if filters.get("group_by") != "Group by Voucher (Consolidated)":
		for _acc, acc_dict in gle_map.items():
			# acc
			if acc_dict.entries:
				# opening
				data.append({"debit_in_transaction_currency": None, "credit_in_transaction_currency": None})
				if filters.get("group_by") != "Group by Voucher":

				data += acc_dict.entries

				# totals

				# closing
				if filters.get("group_by") != "Group by Voucher":

		data.append({"debit_in_transaction_currency": None, "credit_in_transaction_currency": None})
		data += entries

	# totals

	# closing

	return data

def get_totals_dict():
	def _get_debit_credit_dict(label):
		return _dict(

	return _dict(

def group_by_field(group_by):
	if group_by == "Group by Party":
		return "party"
	elif group_by in ["Group by Voucher (Consolidated)", "Group by Account"]:
		return "account"
		return "voucher_no"

def initialize_gle_map(gl_entries, filters):
	gle_map = OrderedDict()
	group_by = group_by_field(filters.get("group_by"))

	for gle in gl_entries:
		gle_map.setdefault(gle.get(group_by), _dict(totals=get_totals_dict(), entries=[]))
	return gle_map

def get_accountwise_gle(filters, accounting_dimensions, gl_entries, gle_map):
	totals = get_totals_dict()
	entries = []
	consolidated_gle = OrderedDict()
	group_by = group_by_field(filters.get("group_by"))
	group_by_voucher_consolidated = filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Voucher (Consolidated)"

	if filters.get("show_net_values_in_party_account"):
		account_type_map = get_account_type_map(filters.get("company"))

	def update_value_in_dict(data, key, gle):
		data[key].debit += gle.debit
		data[key].credit += gle.credit

		data[key].debit_in_account_currency += gle.debit_in_account_currency
		data[key].credit_in_account_currency += gle.credit_in_account_currency

		if filters.get("add_values_in_transaction_currency") and key not in ["opening", "closing", "total"]:
			data[key].debit_in_transaction_currency += gle.debit_in_transaction_currency
			data[key].credit_in_transaction_currency += gle.credit_in_transaction_currency

		if filters.get("show_net_values_in_party_account") and account_type_map.get(data[key].account) in (
			net_value = data[key].debit - data[key].credit
			net_value_in_account_currency = (
				data[key].debit_in_account_currency - data[key].credit_in_account_currency

			if net_value < 0:
				dr_or_cr = "credit"
				rev_dr_or_cr = "debit"
				dr_or_cr = "debit"
				rev_dr_or_cr = "credit"

			data[key][dr_or_cr] = abs(net_value)
			data[key][dr_or_cr + "_in_account_currency"] = abs(net_value_in_account_currency)
			data[key][rev_dr_or_cr] = 0
			data[key][rev_dr_or_cr + "_in_account_currency"] = 0

		if data[key].against_voucher and gle.against_voucher:
			data[key].against_voucher += ", " + gle.against_voucher

	from_date, to_date = getdate(filters.from_date), getdate(filters.to_date)
	show_opening_entries = filters.get("show_opening_entries")

	for gle in gl_entries:
		group_by_value = gle.get(group_by)
		gle.voucher_type = gle.voucher_type

		if gle.posting_date < from_date or (cstr(gle.is_opening) == "Yes" and not show_opening_entries):
			if not group_by_voucher_consolidated:
				update_value_in_dict(gle_map[group_by_value].totals, "opening", gle)
				update_value_in_dict(gle_map[group_by_value].totals, "closing", gle)

			update_value_in_dict(totals, "opening", gle)
			update_value_in_dict(totals, "closing", gle)

		elif gle.posting_date <= to_date or (cstr(gle.is_opening) == "Yes" and show_opening_entries):
			if not group_by_voucher_consolidated:
				update_value_in_dict(gle_map[group_by_value].totals, "total", gle)
				update_value_in_dict(gle_map[group_by_value].totals, "closing", gle)
				update_value_in_dict(totals, "total", gle)
				update_value_in_dict(totals, "closing", gle)


			elif group_by_voucher_consolidated:
				keylist = [
				if filters.get("include_dimensions"):
					for dim in accounting_dimensions:

				key = tuple(keylist)
				if key not in consolidated_gle:
					consolidated_gle.setdefault(key, gle)
					update_value_in_dict(consolidated_gle, key, gle)

	for value in consolidated_gle.values():
		update_value_in_dict(totals, "total", value)
		update_value_in_dict(totals, "closing", value)

	return totals, entries

def get_account_type_map(company):
	account_type_map = frappe._dict(
		frappe.get_all("Account", fields=["name", "account_type"], filters={"company": company}, as_list=1)

	return account_type_map

def get_result_as_list(data, filters):
	balance, _balance_in_account_currency = 0, 0
	inv_details = get_supplier_invoice_details()

	for d in data:
		if not d.get("posting_date"):
			balance, _balance_in_account_currency = 0, 0

		balance = get_balance(d, balance, "debit", "credit")
		d["balance"] = balance

		d["account_currency"] = filters.account_currency
		d["bill_no"] = inv_details.get(d.get("against_voucher"), "")

	return data

def get_supplier_invoice_details():
	inv_details = {}
	for d in frappe.db.sql(
		""" select name, bill_no from `tabPurchase Invoice`
		where docstatus = 1 and bill_no is not null and bill_no != '' """,
		inv_details[d.name] = d.bill_no

	return inv_details

def get_balance(row, balance, debit_field, credit_field):
	balance += row.get(debit_field, 0) - row.get(credit_field, 0)

	return balance

def get_columns(filters):
	if filters.get("presentation_currency"):
		currency = filters["presentation_currency"]
		if filters.get("company"):
			currency = get_company_currency(filters["company"])
			company = get_default_company()
			currency = get_company_currency(company)

	columns = [
			"label": _("GL Entry"),
			"fieldname": "gl_entry",
			"fieldtype": "Link",
			"options": "GL Entry",
			"hidden": 1,
		{"label": _("Posting Date"), "fieldname": "posting_date", "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 100},
			"label": _("Account"),
			"fieldname": "account",
			"fieldtype": "Link",
			"options": "Account",
			"width": 180,
			"label": _("Debit ({0})").format(currency),
			"fieldname": "debit",
			"fieldtype": "Float",
			"width": 130,
			"label": _("Credit ({0})").format(currency),
			"fieldname": "credit",
			"fieldtype": "Float",
			"width": 130,
			"label": _("Balance ({0})").format(currency),
			"fieldname": "balance",
			"fieldtype": "Float",
			"width": 130,

	if filters.get("add_values_in_transaction_currency"):
		columns += [
				"label": _("Debit (Transaction)"),
				"fieldname": "debit_in_transaction_currency",
				"fieldtype": "Currency",
				"width": 130,
				"options": "transaction_currency",
				"label": _("Credit (Transaction)"),
				"fieldname": "credit_in_transaction_currency",
				"fieldtype": "Currency",
				"width": 130,
				"options": "transaction_currency",
				"label": "Transaction Currency",
				"fieldname": "transaction_currency",
				"fieldtype": "Link",
				"options": "Currency",
				"width": 70,

	columns += [
		{"label": _("Voucher Type"), "fieldname": "voucher_type", "width": 120},
			"label": _("Voucher Subtype"),
			"fieldname": "voucher_subtype",
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 180,
			"label": _("Voucher No"),
			"fieldname": "voucher_no",
			"fieldtype": "Dynamic Link",
			"options": "voucher_type",
			"width": 180,
		{"label": _("Against Account"), "fieldname": "against", "width": 120},
		{"label": _("Party Type"), "fieldname": "party_type", "width": 100},
		{"label": _("Party"), "fieldname": "party", "width": 100},
		{"label": _("Project"), "options": "Project", "fieldname": "project", "width": 100},

	if filters.get("include_dimensions"):
		for dim in get_accounting_dimensions(as_list=False):
				{"label": _(dim.label), "options": dim.label, "fieldname": dim.fieldname, "width": 100}
			{"label": _("Cost Center"), "options": "Cost Center", "fieldname": "cost_center", "width": 100}

			{"label": _("Against Voucher Type"), "fieldname": "against_voucher_type", "width": 100},
				"label": _("Against Voucher"),
				"fieldname": "against_voucher",
				"fieldtype": "Dynamic Link",
				"options": "against_voucher_type",
				"width": 100,
			{"label": _("Supplier Invoice No"), "fieldname": "bill_no", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 100},

	if filters.get("show_remarks"):
		columns.extend([{"label": _("Remarks"), "fieldname": "remarks", "width": 400}])

	return columns

this is py

// Copyright (c) 2024, manal and contributors
// For license information, please see license.txt

frappe.query_reports["General Ledger for Today"] = {
	filters: [
			fieldname: "company",
			label: __("Company"),
			fieldtype: "Link",
			options: "Company",
			default: frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company"),
			reqd: 1,
			fieldname: "from_date",
			label: __("From Date"),
			fieldtype: "Date",
			default: frappe.datetime.get_today(),
			reqd: 1,
			width: "60px",
			fieldname: "to_date",
			label: __("To Date"),
			fieldtype: "Date",
			default: frappe.datetime.get_today(),
			reqd: 1,
			width: "60px",
		}	],

this is js

could you test them

maybe caching issue.

bench --site sitename migrate
bench --site sitename clear-cache
bench build --force

did not work too

copy this code

comment this line
