i want to remove default filter of draft in salary slip
whenever i click the salary slip it has this default filter, other doctype also have
how to remove this, anyone help
Hi @Rajat96318,
Please clear the filter, refresh the page, and then review it. I checked that the salary slip listview code doesn’t have a default filter.
Thank You!
no it doesn’t resolved, i cleared the cache, refreshed
Please check it.
There is no filter. please check the code.
If any applied the listview client script then remove it.
I recommend that you, build and migrate the site. If the problem persists, you can then attempt to use the listview client script.
frappe.listview_settings['Salary Slip'] = {
onload: function(listview) {
frappe.route_options = {};
Thank You!
This pending thing which is showing, i think this is creating problem,
because pending mean (status = “Draft”) filter, if anyhow i can remove this then only the issue will be resolved.
If you know anything help
Hi @Rajat96318,
Yes, I think it’s version 13.
Please edit the workspace/desk and remove the filter.
Then reload and check it.
Thank You!
In version 13 follow below step
Workspace - payroll - shortcut - salary slip edit
remove these two : {“status”: “Draft”} & {} Pending
save & clear cache(ctrl+shift+R)