I want to synchronize all NextERP items into WordPress WooCommerce.(nexterp to WooCommerce)

I want to synchronize all NextERP items into WordPress WooCommerce.(nexterp to WooCommerce). i am using nexterp versino 14. Help me.

What do you want to synchronize…

i want to sync all things from nexterp to WP woo commerce like items , customers , orders … etc . i have used woo commerce connector but even does not working.

Try these (from oldest to newest):

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thank for response .

in this sync product not showing in item list . how to do that to sync products will shows in item list and please tell me how to use this plugin . i am just started learning nextErp

Sorry, I never used it. One of the main papercuts that tends to accompany new development is the lack of documentation… You’ll likely need to poke, prod, and break things before you get it working :grinning:

Please let us know how you fare, and as an aside, please note that software is named “ERPNext” not “nextErp” :wink:

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I have used the libracore connector with ERPNext v14 and it has been a success synchronizing both simple and variant products.