Hello everyone,
Is it possible to have the real number on the badge counter?
I only get 20+ like the image below:
In demo account aparently the limit to show the real count is 99+
Is there any place where I can configure it? Are there side effects if I increase the “badge limit”?
Thanks in advance to the community.
July 2, 2016, 12:24pm
@applepipe Right now its hard-coded to 20
Its much easier on the database if you have to count upto 20!
You can edit here: frappe/notifications.py at develop · frappe/frappe · GitHub
But you will have to change the JS too (that limits it to 20+)
September 21, 2017, 1:57pm
@rmehta this is very reasonable:
But I think it would be better on the main counter if that number could go to 100, its too easy for issues to cross 20 and I like knowing when theres a change in the indicators. Earlier screenshots of ERPNext suggest that it was this way before (i.e 99+).
In this case:
I don’t see the hardcoded 20. Excuse me.
Is this the same line if I need to increase the main counter in the image?
1 Like
September 22, 2017, 10:05am
I think the UI is stuck at 20, otherwise we updated to 100 so we can show 99+
let me fix this.
September 24, 2017, 1:51pm
Thats weird, ERPNext is been this way since I started experimenting some 6 months ago. Thanks, looking forward to the fix.
September 25, 2017, 5:38am
Thanks… Just pushed a fix in develop
This should be considered in another enhancement ([enhancement] Option to set the maximum number of the badge count · Issue #8534 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub ), for me for example 99+ is still not sufficient.
@rmehta , i have change in js but still i 20+ is not change in desktop. but it changed in top conner and inside.