IDP Unable to make request to the Frappe Server URL

Hey all,

I would like to set my frappe server as identity provider to be able to use oAuth.

What i did:

  1. Create an oAuth client and try to use it
  2. Receive ValidationError: Define Frappe Server URL in Social Login Keys
  3. Type the URL of my ERPNext server into the “Frappe Server URL” field of the “Social Login Keys” form
  4. Hit “Save”

This gives me this Error: Unable to make request to the Frappe Server URL

I am able to ping the URL from the server.

Any ideas what I could do?

ERPNext: v10.1.64 (master)
Frappe Framework: v10.1.56 (master)

have you tried to change Frappe Server URL to

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No, because that points to a completely different server that doesn’t run frappe.

It worked, but can somebody please explain why I have to put the URL of a server that doesn’t run frappe into a field called “Frappe Server URL”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: