If field do not have value then fields not show on print format

if ‘Discount Amount’ and Discount (%) on price have 0 value then this filds are not show on print format and if ‘Discount Amount’ and Discount (%) on price have value greater than 0 then this fields show on print format how to achieve this one
i am not used custom print format

This is how I use it in my print format

        <div class="col-xs-6 text-right">
            <b>Grand Total: </b> $ {{ "{:,}".format(doc.grand_total|int) }}<br>
            {% if doc.discount_amount != 0 %}
            <b>You save {{ doc.get_formatted("additional_discount_percentage") }}% :</b> $ {{ "{:,}". format(doc.discount_amount|int) }}
            {% endif %}

It will display
Grand total: $ 1,000
You save 10%: $ -100