If you are going to rework POS, please also fix

If you are going back into the POS module to fix the stuff we listed in “POS seems to be flawed” thread, then please also fix the way the screen resizes itself on tablets.Most andriod tables have a screen resolution of 1280 x 800.

Currently if you try to use this in landscape mode the item grid takes up the entire right side of the screen and does not resize. The left side of the screen compresses the cart list in favor of the keypad. The cart list completely goes away and you cannot see what it being added.

In Portrait mode the Cart list is at the top and the item grid moves to the bottom but the keypad disappears.

In both cases the one of the 2 most important parts of the screen disappear making POS unusable.

Please default to shrinking the item grid in order to keep the cart list and the keypad on the screen. Maybe give the option to eliminate the item pictures and make the items a list instead of a grid in this case. Or just shrink it to one row and shift either the keypad or the cart list into the reclaimed space.

The answer is NOT to try to use higher resolution screen. I tried this and the keypad becomes too small to use on a touch screen at higher resolutions on a small physical screen. Andriod tablets are the most common devices to use because they are so abundantly available. Most other modules work well with the tablet, but POS is the exception here.


Hi @bkm

Thanks for sharing the details, I have created github issue to make offline POS optional. You can add the issues there so we can have the consolidated list of POS issues.