Ignore User Permission for warehouse not working

I want to ignore user permission for Default Target Warehouse field in Stock Entry…but its not working…the permission still applies…

My settings:

  1. Warehouse doctype, Apply user permissions is checked. Rule: If Warehouse is permitted is checked
  2. Stock Entry doctype, Apply user permissions is checked. Rule: If Warehouse is permitted is checked
  3. Ignore User Permissions is checked for Default Target Warehouse

Using V7.1…upgraded to latest V8 but no changes… what settings that I miss here?

There is Target Warehouse field in the Stock Entry Item table as well. Did you uncheck Ignore permission for the fields in the Stock Entry Item table? If no, please do that and try again.

@umair i’ve done that but user permission still applies for target warehouse field. Dont know whats wrong here

Can you please share more details like screenshots of the customization and result in the stock entry? Since it’s related to customization in your account, we will need to review configuration made in your account.

Hi @umair ,

im facing the same case…
here some explanation…

in warehouse i set if warehouse permitted
and i set the user permission for warehouse A and B

so as axpected the source and target warehouse is being only A and B

but now i want the target warehouse is see all warehouse but the source warehouse only A and B

then i go to the customize form and check the ignore user permission , but both warehouse still shows A and B <-----this my problem


Can you confirm this issue? No customizations were made… I’m using own VPS on V8