Implementing Postgres with Frappe

Hi guys, I’ve already tried Frappe with PostgreSQL. When I checked the database schema, I found that some columns are automatically indexed when using MariaDB, but not when using PostgreSQL. Does this mean it is not ready for production?

Yes, it is not yet production-ready.

There is an open issue in ERPNext repo and a telegram group, but not much traffic: Postgres support for ERPNext · Issue #24389 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

There are also quite a few open issues in the Frappe repo: Issues · frappe/frappe · GitHub

We (Migeran) would be very much interested in implementing proper PostgreSQL support in Frappe, ERPNext and all the other apps. We have been using Postgres for a long time (I started in 1998 with version 6.5 :slight_smile: ), so we have the experience to do it.

However, we would need some funding so we can dedicate the necessary resources to the project.

Best regards,