Import Template & Variant Item together

Hi everyone,
I am new to ERPNext & trying to import items.
I learnt from documents that we have to fill in the template item code in field “variant of” for Variants import.
However, since the template item code it generated by name series… I won’t have that until the template item is created. Some workarounds suggest importing all template items first and then variant. Since we have more than 300 templates, it will take a lot of time to copy the template code into the variant import file.

I wonder, are there ways we can import template and variant item together in one single Sheet? A little bit like what Shopify has.

Thanks a lot for the help.

I think, it is not possible, first you have to import the template item, and then after you have to import the variant item.

Thanks for the reply! How about using other fields that we could know (Let’s say “custom_item_model”) for the “variant_of”? Will it be possible?

Not sure but you have to try it locally.

Update : I have gave up and tried to import items using “variant_of”. However, it seems that the import module cannot handle item variant. It keeps on asking for “UOM” or “Item Group” that is not mandatory for item variant. Here’s the first part of csv I’m importing.

Are there anyone here with successful experience in importing variant? Have been searching but cannot find a successful csv template of doing so. :frowning:

Appreciate any help. Thanks much in advance!

Works fine for me. Just create a sample template item with a variation. Then create a new item import and download an import template containing these sample items by selecting “Filtered Records” for “Export Type” and adding a filter that matches your sample items. Then split that import template into two, one for the template items and one for the variations. Then fill these import templates with the actual template items and variations to import. When done, import template items first, then the variations.