[Important] Potential loss of old attachments from version 3

Hi Community,

The following case applies only if you migrated from version 3 to 4.
(Just to be sure, if you had to install bench to install erpnext, this
bug doesn’t affect you).

Due to a bug in the new file manager, some attachments created in
version 3 got replaced if uploaded with the same filename. On updating
to the latest, this should stop hapenning.

Also, a new patch renames the new files and leaves a file
“missing_files.txt” in your sites directory. You can copy these files
from a backup from version 3 or from /home/erpnext/erpnext if you had
not removed the old instance. The 3 to 4 migration scripts leaves it

We are extremely sorry for any damage this has caused you.

For frappecloud subscribers, we were able to recover all missing files
from backups.

Thanks to Aditya for reporting.
