Importing Customer's PO & PO date from Sales Order

Could you please help with customising sales invoices to show the PO details from the sales order it is created from?

Thanks in advance,


When data is fetched from one transaction to the another transaction, then the mapping of data is done based on the field names. If two transactions has fields with the exact same name, then it’s values are mapped.

For example, if you want Customer’s PO No. and PO Date to be fetched from Sales Order to Sales Invoice, then you should ensure that Custom Fields added in the Sales Invoice has exact same field name as in the Sales Order.

Sales Order (standard fields)


Sales Invoice (custom fields)

Since names for the Customer’s PO related fields are same in the Sales Order and Sales Invoice, when creating Sales Invoice from the Sales Order, values in these fields are auto-fetched.

Thanks for your prompt reaction, Arundhati.

This works great!

One last question: How can I make some fields to print in bold?


Dont worry, I found the tick box in the customise form options.



Hello again, Arundhati.

I noticed that the date that gets mapped this way isn’t in the same format as other dates on the document. YYYY-MM-DD instead of DD-MM-YYYY.

How can I fix that?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry for insisting but I would need this issue fixed ASAP. Thanks a lot in advance.