Style of heatmap is fixed to “Continuous”, but it should be selectable between “Continuous” and “Discrete”
It should be possible to set whether the dashboard section is collapsed or not as default
In each doctype the marks are set based on different criteria. For e.g. in doctype “Customer”, the marks are based on the communication feed (timeline). This is a nonesense. The marks should be set based on all transactions, linked in the corresponding dashboard, against the corresponding doctype/record.
What has already been done?
I have created a pull request for frappe as well as erpnext, which fix all the above issues and implements all the above features (see screenshots). The feature “marks based on linked transactions against doctype/record”, is with this pull request only in doctype “Customer” implemented.
What is needed by the community?
I need inputs from you like:
In which doctypes are heatmaps?
Is it enough if the records, linked in the dashboard, are used as the transaction base for the heatmap? Or are there any doctypes in which other values should be considered for the heatmap?
I would like to collect in this topic, together with you all, all needed requirements to the heatmap so that we can make a good pull request in the near future. The heatmap has not been working properly for too long and since it’s an eyecatcher for everyone, I’d like to finally clean up this construction!
Screenshots of the actually pull requests:
Customer heatmap:
Maybe unrelated here but there should be a setting somewhere to globally collapse heat maps instead of the default expanded view, possibly a user preference or system setting
i have implemented your feature request in the actuall pull requests (Frappe and ERPNext).
Now you can choose in “Global Settings” whether the dashboard is per default collapsed or not.
It should be possible to set whether the dashboard section is collapsed or not as default
Setting possability in “Global Settings”:
In each doctype the marks are set based on different criteria. For e.g. in doctype “Customer”, the marks are based on the communication feed (timeline). This is a nonesense. The marks should be set based on all transactions, linked in the corresponding dashboard, against the corresponding doctype/record. The heatmap now shows all transactions against the doctype-record as follows:
@joelios Any chance that you can make those Pull Requests again? If you want, I can help you out with reviewing it so that it gets merged. I think the discrete option should be back. And also, the heatmaps currently don’t work properly.