I purchase my stock from several suppliers who all have their own catalogue codes. I can enter those supplier catalogue codes into the stock item on erpnext which is great however when I go to create a Supplier Specific Price List I have to enter the stock code. It would be considerably easier if I was able to lookup up the Supplier Code instead of the item code. Of course this should not be the default, though I would allow a default to be set in the price list itself. What you would have is a dropdown box where you have Item Code and it would allow you search by item code, item name or supplier catalogue code and it could be titled Search Item By: Or even more simply leave the current search box and make it customisable as to what fields are searched so it does it will search whatever fields are defined.
I’ll create an enhancement request on github if I don’t hear from anyone to say that I’ve missed something and this is possible out of the box.