Include item name in list view of sales order

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to include item name in sales order list view. PFA image for ref.

With 100s of order it can create problem if item name is not visible. Also farfetched but can we include item image in list view also if possible.

List view has been the most disappointing part of ERPNext, as if it is made to hide as much details as possible.


Keep in mind, list view is meant for documents (records). With each document (sales order) being able to contain 100s of items in its child table.

So, which one of those 100 items would you like to display on your documents list?

Perhaps list view is not meant to display sales orders items, but general information for the sales order.

Perhaps you are looking for Report View, where you will be able to see all the detail you mentioned, all items for each of all your sales orders in a single view.

There should be option to customize, I tried creating a custom field to add item name separately in sales but it not even showing up in linked doc type.

Hi @rahul2,

Not possible to show the item in Listview.

But an alternative solution is :wink:, if you don’t want to open and check the item then you can also apply the listview client script according to the logic.

Please check it.

Thank You!

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I think it is time learn some some javascript… :brain:.


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It is better to use report view than list view. Was able to include item name in report view and and column width can be adjusted.

You can also develop a simple query report according to the scenario and you can fix the column width.


Will go through it.