Include Pictures in Print Format

Hi Everyone,

I am creating a print format where I want to include pictures in that, is there any way that I can use pictures that to be shown on the print.

Ruchin Sharma

1 Like

If you want to add logo on your print format then use Letter Head and add your logo in that.
Refer following link :

Priya Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt Ltd


I really don’t want to use logo, that feature I already have and using it.
Actually I want to show some pictures in the bottom of the page and I really didn’t find any way to do it.

Ruchin Sharma

OK. You can try it by using image tag directly in print format. Refer following example -

<img src="files/image.jpg" height="35%" width="85%">

That is fine, I can use this simple HTML Code, but the question is where to keep the JPG file?

Ruchin Sharma

Your JPG file must be in your files folder. If you attach your image to any form/print format it automatically get saved in files folder.

Priya Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt Ltd

1 Like


Thanks a lot for you quick response, let me check and will come back to you.

Ruchin Sharma


<img src="{{ doc.image }}" style="width: 100%">

above code will print image in print format, where image is field-name containing path of file.



Thanks for sharing the information. I appreciate, if you can elaborate this. Like what will be the path of the file and where to keep file?

Ruchin Sharma

use {{ doc.image }} as path if your file is in same doctype like in Item Doctype we have Item image.

If you want to use another image, you can upload anywhere and give file path like @priya_s said.


<img src="" height="35%" width="85%">


Thanks for sharing information, I did it by uploading file into ERP and using the HTML Code shared by @priya_s

Thanks Priya

Ruchin Sharma