Income tax calculation is wrong for the Salary structure

Hi ,

I have created salary structure and assigned to a employee with income tax slab(as per indian standards).After that i have created payroll entry and genrated salary slip of that employee but the income tax for the salary slip is too low.

Steps i have followed to generate salary slip with income tax :

  1. Created salary structure

    (all components are tax applicable)

  2. Created Income Tax slab

3.Created Payroll period

4.Assigned the salary structure and income tax slab to the employee

  1. Created Payroll entry and generated salary slip from it.

    ( Gratuity and Employee PF is DO not include in total Component but tax applicable)

From above salary structure the actual income tax should be 7577 but ERPnext System is calculating it 3680 which is wrong.

What can we do more so we can get correct income tax

Are you able to clear this issue?

Yes.submitting payroll entry and generated salary slip will resolve this issue

Please could you share how income tax is calculated using income tax slab