Incoming Email - Append to DocType


I would like to understand how I can add more DocTypes to the Incoming Email - Append to Option.

Currently I have ToDo, Leads, Oppurtunity, Job Applicants, Event, Communication and Issue.

I would like to be able to be able to Append to Warranty Claim or if possible learn how to append to any other DocType.

Thank You,
Vimal Tank

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When you create a new Email Account you need to check Enable Incoming in order to then select a DocType to append to. The description of that field says Append as communication against this DocType (must have fields, "Status", "Subject").

Looking at in the apps/frappe shows a line email_append_to = ["Event", "ToDo", "Communication"] to which I added "Warranty Claim" and then it showed up after doing a bench update --patch:

Now I didn’t test this and the question is how you overwrite that array in the, probably if you have your own app and have a in which you overwrite the array that should work. You may then have to add the fields Status and Subject to the Warranty Claim DocType as custom fields.

I think this points you in the right direction, you will need to do some light coding as far as I see.


We want to import the emails but not all, we want to filter the emails and then append them to specific doctype, for example: opportunity. When searched I found this suggestion

But I could not find it in ErpNext’s current version, may I request someone to help us on this.

With regards,

Did anybody find this Condition field? I can’t find it either, but believe it can be very useful to clear off spam.

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Did anybody locate the conditional box for the Incoming emails?

Is there any update on the Condition field for Incoming Emails?

This conditional logic does not exist in v13 either.