Inconsistent Data Import From Excel

Hello Everyone,

I’m trying to use data import to import stock entry in ERPNext. However the imported data isn’t the same as the uploaded excel.

Here the “Posting Date” column has hour added (00:00:00)

but in my excel file, it doesn’t have hour added

How could this happening? Because posting_date field is used as my naming_series, it breaks all my existing naming_series


The posting_date field , date type, naming series is varchar. Not sure what the Excel column format is.

What’s interesting is the Posting Date in the preview looks like datetime (with the hh:mm:ss) . So it makes sense that the Excel doesn’t have the time stamp, but the other behavior is weird. Perhaps reformatting the Excel column before importing would help?

In the excel, posting_date field already formatted with “yy-mm-dddd” as suggested when importing data