This is an essential report to run and repost item valuation for transactions that are listed on this report regularly.
One should run this report regularly and create “Repost Item Valuation” doc of type “Transaction” for each of the transactions that are listed having incorrect balance qty after transactions so that to ensure the balances are correct in the Stock Ledger.
Can we use the Repost Item Valuation doctype to correct the Actual Qty after Transaction?
I was under the impression that it can only be used to correct the valuation rate.
Also any idea on why the Actual Qty after Transaction is sometimes inconsistent/incorrect leading to wrong values in the Stock Ledger Report?
This happens frequently, when you have same warehouse and multiple Delivery Notes (or sales invoice with update stock ticked) submitted simultenously. (either by creating multiple browser tabs and submit concurrently, or multiple users submitting the delivery notes like in counters of supermarket.