Hello Guys,
I want to have a look on ERPNext Medical Repo: GitHub - ESS-LLP/erpnext-healthcare: Open Source ERP built for the Web. Uses Python, MariaDB. which is forked from Core Repo GitHub - frappe/erpnext: Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) .
Only medical module is plus with “ESS-LLP/erpnext-medical” which I currently want to run on production, which is already running here: https://smartehis.com/
Question is: I’m already running a production server, which contains --production version of core ERPNext, with DNS-Based Multitenancy.
However, I always perform
bench --site subdomain.domain.com --force reinstall
for every new DNS. Now, I really don’t have any idea how to install Medical repo GitHub - ESS-LLP/erpnext-healthcare: Open Source ERP built for the Web. Uses Python, MariaDB. along side existing server without afffecting or conflicting anything existing project.
Is it good idea to install only Medical app or complete project?