Installation in virtual box: viewing source code

I am new to erpnext. I have installed erpnext successfully in virtualbox using virtual image.I am getting my site in http://localhost:8080. I want to locate my source folder and database.Please help me with this.

If you have used the official VBoxVM then the source is located in ~/frappe-bench/

Depending on your specifics you will have to browse the folder structure but it is largely selfexplantory.

As for the data you could use mysql-workbench or equivalent as to your preference.

If your looking for the schema - try searching for .sql files



Thank you for your reply. Actually I have installed the official VboxVm and in that erpnext virtual image for debain. When I start erpnext in virtual box I am getting the command window having erpnext@erpnext-vm . I am not able to switch to desktop view. Please help me with this.