Installing ERPNEXT in Digital Ocean with docker - Full containerized installtion

I am trying to install full containerized installation on digital ocean using docker and I get the same 404 issues even after creating the site. I used the below tutorial.

Setup Frappe using containerized MariaDB and Redis with Letsencrypt certificates.

my .env file I set FRAPPE_SITE_NAME_HEADER=‘’. is this correct? is my digital ocean droplet bound domain. I used this as the site name as well when creating the site. is that correct?

i used the below to create and start the containers.

Generate YAML

docker compose -f compose.yaml
-f overrides/compose.mariadb.yaml
-f overrides/compose.redis.yaml
-f overrides/compose.https.yaml
config > ~/gitops/docker-compose.yml

Start containers

docker compose --project-name -f ~/gitops/docker-compose.yml up -d

but I get the 404 error as below.

And also I don’t get the SSL properly working even I use letsencrypt with the yml as above too

please help