Insufficient Permission for DocType (create)

I have updated my ERPnext version to latest version. And i am trying to create a new doc type. I am getting below error. Can anyone help to overcome this error

Only the administrator/system manager can create a doctype, but if you want to add rights for another role and if the user has no rights then give the rights and check it.

I am using core admin account and even i am getting the same error message.

Administrator/System Manager can create a doctype, not a normal user. And if you want to create a custom doctype then enable the developer mode.

I have enabled all the roles to the admin

when i click on add doc type and trying to add a new doc type i am getting the error


To create this do i need to enable developer mode?

Please check the above post.

I already provide the link.

You have to apply the command.

bench --site [] set-config -g developer_mode 1