Insufficient Permission For Item Price

Several days ago i make purchase invoice, and the item has no item price, so i just input the price manually (because the price vary every time)…

But as per today, when i want to make another purchase invoice, the notification come out “insufficient permission for item price”…

Anyone face this same issue? i think maybe it’s because the price limit for the item? or because i used 2 items now?

hope someone can help to solve this issue…

have you checked the merission manager? i mean; have you got the permissions?

Already give the permission (read, write, create) for Purchase Invoice… Futhermore i tried to make the purchase invoice with the small amount (under $30) and i can save it…

But once i make the real one (above $50,000) it just can’t be saved…

i dont mean permisson for purchase invoice, i mean permission for the doctype “Item Price”…?

I got your meaning, item price only Read and Write checked… but i tried created Purchase Invoice with the small amount, and the Purchase Invoice can be saved…