Integrate Crisp Chat to your ERPNext

able to install now, i have set the website ID. what shall do next, this livechat not showing in my website.


Not sure but you could try to install something like pip_development for all the install headers which may help

the owner already modified it. now able to install. but dunno how to used it :slight_smile:

run perfectly. thanks

any idea to integrate Whatsapp to website?

Hi, where to add crisp script to html_head? i added to website setting, my website become not accessible. i have to clear database on head_html to access it back.

@johnskywalker is your project still maintained and working?

Im considering one for Freshdesk, any ideas?

Hi Everyone Please Please Help, I’m in ERPNext,

I want to show only data (which i get on console) into “CUSTOMER VEHICLE” field. Please help me. Any1 Please

does leads coming from crisp chat also flows to erpnext crm?

Hi @johnskywalker, good day.
We tried to run your crisp plugin & was successful.
However, crisp chat head is not showing on desktop.
Is there anything I skipped? Thank you!