Internal Server Error on Frappe Drive

I create site on Frappe Cloud and create site (25$/mo). I got this error for several days.

Hi @huyapja:

As far I know, Drive requires mariadb v10.7+
IDK if it’s possible on Frappe Cloud as now.

Maybe @safwan-samsudeen could bring some light

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@avc in this case, Drive never works becouse they use 10.6 en frappe_docker repo (I assume they use this in press)

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frappe_docker is not related to press. frappe_docker doesn’t depend on press. Press doesn’t depend on frappe_docker.

You can just change to any version or even use DBaaS. (with frappe_docker)

If you need to check which version to use, check the version used in ci tests of that app.

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