Internal Server Error on Frappe

Dear All,

We just reboot the server and we are getting Internal Server Error on browser

I don’t know what happened

Please advise if there is any update we have to install ?

@Waheed_Ali can you share you setup? Are you running production, VM or develop?

If you are running production, check the logs in frappe-bench/logs/web.error.log

Dear Mehta,

This is what i am getting in log.

please check and let me know if there is wrong

2016-03-01 08:23:13,025 Request Error
site: site1.local
form: {‘cmd’: u’version’}

Traceback (innermost last):
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 52, in application
response = frappe.api.handle()
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 42, in handle
return frappe.handler.handle()
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 66, in handle
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 77, in execute_cmd
method = get_attr(cmd)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 100, in get_attr
method = globals()[cmd]
KeyError: u’version’

Update your bench-repo folder


How to update ? what is the command ?

move to bench-repo and run git pull command to get lastest update



Let me try this but please if you can send me step by step guide will help me alot,

Restarting my server (ubuntu) did the trick.

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