Introducing Frappe Fights! 🔥

Who doesn’t love a good debate? We’re bringing this competitive spirit to Frappeverse 2024 with our exciting new segment—Frappe Fights! :rocket:

Expect some lively, thought-provoking debates on topics that matter to the Frappe community. These debates will be held on stage by self-nominated community members, bringing their insights and passion to the forefront.

We’re kicking things off with two hot topic ideas :speech_balloon::

  1. The role of AI in the future of Frappe.
  2. The necessity of a roadmap for Frappe’s development.

Got more topic ideas? We’d love to hear them! Drop your suggestions in the comments below.

Join us at Frappeverse 2024 for a chance to witness these engaging discussions and be a part of the action!

  1. The Future of Frappe’s UI/UX. (Desk UI)
  2. Security in Frappe

Does Linux as a daily driver really matter in the world of developers who build ERP’s ?

In context to most of the employees in using Mac as their mainstream device for developing products in the frappeverse ? Please do not consider this offensive or anything of that sorts. Ofcourse, there are exceptions.


I’m probably just being a grumpy old man, but I am put off by the spectacle of “fights”. Rather than a contentious approach, I might suggest a panel with differing opinions.

In the case of AI a 3 person panel with an advocate for :
Avoid: AI is developer quicksand and beyond that its dangerous with no regulation or respected guardrails
Assist: Ai IS ready for jumpstarting code projects and we could easily integrate marketing functions,
Adopt: AI is the future, Frappe/ERPNext is uniquely positioned to leverage our solid-state ledgers, existing workflows, comprehensive user controls/configurations to take a leadership position. (Obvs, I like this one)

Give each person 30 minutes to make their case, then 30 minutes of moderated Q&A. If you really need spice, you could do a straw vote at the end.

My bigger point is this, our strength is community and we should lean into that.
(What’s so funny about Peace, Love, and Understanding?)


2 suggestions
add debate on GPL vs AGPL licensing for frappe/ERPnext
and Monolithic ERPNext vs ERPNext with independent apps


Fair point Michael, but perhaps you’re overlooking the reverse psychology that seems to be intended here. Disagreements are inevitable. A well structured and fairly moderated debate can help us hear and inspect opposing perspectives without getting too emotionally entangled. Calling it a fight can help us not take ourselves too seriously. :grinning:


Conflict of interests between different parties:

frappe developers

partner developers
partner implementers

independent consulting developers
independent consulting implementers

company CEO and/or CTO
company developer
company no-code/low-code “power”-user
company user

independent one-man-company dev=user

The Hot Topics:

Which developer/implementor is ok with making one’s own job useless (because things work well and are self-explanatory or well-explained in help/doc/code)?
What’s the base (= the need of downstream people) for selling one’s knowledge to them, on all these positions?
What are the general complaints raining down on forum / git issues which might be caused by all of the above?

Thank you for the suggestions community.

We’ve narrowed it down to these 2 hot topics for this year’s Frappe Fights! :fire:

  1. The role of AI in the future of Frappe
  2. Investing in ERPNext vs investing in other apps

Got strong opinions on these? Bring them to the stage and make your case! :bulb:

Fill up this form to participate and we will get back to you soon after: Frappe Fights Nominations.