Introducing New Health App - Marley

Hello everyone, I’m Sajin, one of the code owners of Frappe Health at earthians.

I’ve got an exciting news to share with you!

We have recently moved the Frappe Health repository to earthians organization on GitHub, meaning we are taking full ownership of the module. In the process, we have also changed the app name from Frappe Health to Marley.

All other things remain the same including the license and our commitment to the healthcare module.

Also, nothing to worry about for the health app users, everything should be managed for sites hosted on the frappe cloud. Self-hosted folks just update the remote url before you do an update.

If you have not tried the app yet, you can easily set up a site on Frappe Cloud.

Many thanks to all our users, community collaborators, and everyone at Frappe for all the love and support, we really want to take Marley Health to new heights! And special thanks to Nabin for completing the move to our org and Suhail for managing things on FC.

We look forward to your valuable feedback and recommendations, please let us know.

Check out the app on GitHub - earthians/marley: Open Source Health Information System.

Thank you all once again! earthians


Earthians is the original creator of the Healthcare module which was a part of the ERPNext back then, later it was separated as an independent app.
As no one from Frappe was actively maintaining the product, we decided to move the ownership of the app to the Earthians team.
I am sure the Earthians team will take the Marley to a new height!


I would also like add that we are now funded by the Revenue Sharing program :heart: of Frappe for maintaining the app and taking the development forward.

Looking forward to many takers from the health vertical.


Thank you so much for taking the initiative.
Is there a docker for it yet that we can use to install it, or do you have any installation steps/instructions for Ubuntu 24 by any chance?

This is great news back to the original devs :smiley:

Does this mean the frappe repo is defunct now?

The frappe repo redirects to the earthians/marley. If you installed it, then you need to update the the remote URL to pull updates.

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Got it. Thanks for the reply Nabin

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Have you solved this yet? There hardly any differences.

Hi Have registered to frappe cloud and trying to enable marley health. Getting some erros. Attached screenshot


Arun here from Frappe Cloud Team.
Marley needs erpnext as a dependency.
If you would have clicked on view, you would have seen the error.

I have added the app and initiated a deployment.
You can now create a site inside the deployed bench.

Arun Mathai

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Thanks for the help Arun, much appreciated !! you are right shows the error about the dependency. Will try out the next steps mentioned.

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