"invalid path" restore error

hi everyone
i have erpnext v14
i copy the backup.gz file from private\backup folder to the main frappe-bench folder
and i type that command

bench --site [sitename] --force restore [path to database backup file]

i type in site name the [sitename] and the backup file name in the [path to database backup file]

it gives me an error which is “Invalid path”

how can i solve this?
thank you all

Hi @kareem_zakaria,

If you haven’t checked then check it, please.


Hi my friend
I type the following command

bench --site Smartwood.local --force restore 20220601_132432-smartwood_local-database.sql

but the error still “invalid path”

the solution is to copy the database files into sites folder and type the command

bench --site [sitename] --force restore [path to database backup file] --with-private-files [relative-path-to-private-files-backup-file] --with-public-files [relative-path-to-public-files-backup-file]