Inviting someone to this Forum does not send them the invitation nor the activation email

I invited a prospective user/client to this Forum, but they did not receive the invitation, not even in their Spam folder.
I then copied the Forum link to an email body which I then sent them. They received it and click on the link to affect the invitation.
However, the confirmation email did not reach them either.
So how can we solve this?

Has anyone joined this Forum recently, ie today? Did you receive the confirmation / activation email?

I didn’t receive any confirmation email either. Had to register using a Google account.

Thanks @Void_Moon

Is this now the only way of joining this Forum?

Does anyone know how to escalate this and bring it to the attention of the Frappe team?

Hi @EugeneP:

I’ve reported it to admins.

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This is still not working!

I have new users of ERPNext and they want to join this Forum but cannot due to this bug.
That implies that no new members has joined this Forum since my initial post dated 24 October.


It’s reported again, seems some issue with external mail service.

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