Is it possible for item to be generalized? Like if the items are generic, we would like to make one item for it only, for example the items are “AMD-321” and “AMD-729” they are both generic and both same model and we want them to be in the item name “AMD-CARD”. If we put the item name “AMD-CARD” we want it to show “AMD-321” or “AMD-729” Depending on what we need. Can someone help us with this please?
Put the item code as “AMD-CARD” and put description as “AMD-321” and “AMD-729”. And you can always edit the description on transaction (in sales order, sales invoice etc)
You can have a General Item called AMD-CARD then have variants of the AMD-CARD item called AMD-321 and AMD-729, the AMD-321 and AMD-729 items then can have their own descriptions, prices etc. etc. Its quite a useful feature.
Btw, Is there a way that if I set the general item “AMD-Card” Then put variants in it. Is there a way that if we made a quotation then type the general item “AMD-Card” the variants will show up under the general item so that we know that those are the variants of that item? Hope you get me.
hi @kelscey90, no unfortunately I dont think there is such an option (i’ve never came across such an option), if you notice you cannot even select the “AMC-Card” as an item. It is meant to be like a “Generalized Item”.