Is it possible to add new filed name in Kanban Board?

I want to add new field (“Sales Stage”) in Kanban Board, below No Of Employees. Can any one help me, How to do this?

Hi @Raju:

Kanban board only can be based on “Select” fields …

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@avc Sir,
Thank you reply, but the requirement is add a new field name like Sales Stage(link field) in kanaban bord. is it possible? If its possible how can i do ?pls explain me

Hi @Raju:

Customize your form, create a new “select” field, and set options with your different sales stages. Hide this field on your form.

After that, this field will be avaliable on kanban creation.

Use a script to set the value in the select field.
Hope this helps.

@avc Hi Sir, But I need to add in the “Link” field. is it possible to add please help me with that.