Is it possible to create table field with other doctype schema ?


  1. ObjectType
  2. Properties
  3. Objects

DocType - ObjectType
Fields -

  1. Label (text)
  2. Properties (table linked to Properies Doctype, read-only, one-to-many)

DocType - Properties
Fields -

  1. Label (text)
  2. InputType i.e.(select/text/date/date-time) as we have in the Core Doctype : Customize Form Field
  3. ObjectType (link - Each property will be linked to an ObjectType)

DocType - Objects
Fields -

  1. Label (text)
  2. ObjectType (link - Each object will be linked to an ObjectType, one-to-many)
  • I want to render all the properties linked to the ObjectType with Label as property input label and InputType as its input type while creating/editing object and provide values to them and save it as a field of object.

Is it possible to be done in Desk View ?