Is_nil_exempt Error In India Compliance

While Creating Purchase Invoice I am facing this Error Saying: Field not Permitted in query: is_nil_exempt

@snv @Smit_Vora can you please look into this error?


Kindly refer to the relevant Github Issue:

The field is_nil_exempt has been deprecated quite some time ago. It may still be in use in your customisations. We have observed that this generally happens when you have older exported customisations that get re-synced when DB migration is run. To avoid this issue from re-appearing, kindly re-export your customisations after removing any references to is_nil_exempt if you have exported them earlier.

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I think this field is available in Item and when you select item code in purchase invoice it was trying to fetch from item but this field is deprecated now from the india compliance.

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Thank you…

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