I have created a Doctype name called Imate which is (is_single)type and i have done some code in imate.js and imate.py.I pushed to GIT and then pulled that branch to development server.In that development everything is showing inside the doctype directory (js,py,json)file even in doctype list also it’s visible but when i checked Imate in awesome bar it shows.Do i need to do any other alter way?
I have removed my entire code js,python.still it’s not showing same page… eventhough I have tried deleted the doctype (Imate) and create it as new (without code only created doctype).pushed and pulled it.
If i Add Python code for this doctype(Imate) doctype can’t visible.only JS code means it is visible.sometimes it’s not visible in doctype list also if i add python code in py file.we can’t add python file for is_single doctype?Is that because of that python file??