Is the process of adding module change?

I have been adding module in frappe successfully but now my new module will not appear in the desktop. This is my step that I follow.

  1. Create a Module entry in Module Def.

  2. Add entry in

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    from future import unicode_literals
    from frappe import _

    def get_data():
        return {
            "Wela": {
                "color": "grey",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-file-directory",
                "type": "module",
                "label": _("Wela")
            "Grading": {
                "color": "#3498db",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-repo",
                "type": "module"
            "School Setup": {
                "color": "#16a085",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-tools",
                "type": "module"
            "Disciplinary Notes": {
                "color": "#1abc9c",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-pencil",
                "type": "module"
            "Registration": {
                "color": "#77216F",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-organization",
                "type": "module"
            "ID Management": {
                "color": "#77216A",
                "icon": "octicon octicon-link",
                "type": "module"

'3. create in config folder.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from frappe import _

def get_data():
    return [
            "label": _("Document"),
            "icon": "icon-star",
            "items": [
                    "type": "doctype",
                    "name": "RFID Tagging",
                    "description": _("RFID Tagging")

My new module cannot be seen in the menu Set My Desktop Icons
My new module is not present in the Module access in the User Setting.

Any idea what I missed? or the process of adding module change?

I just do bench update. Its now working!