Is there a built-in way to create a delivery note without updating stock?

Is there a built-in way to create a delivery note without updating stock?

It is possible, but we do not recommend overriding the entire stock method because it will affect the valuation rate and disturb the stock ledger entry and it’s very tricky to implement.

@NCP got it, but I have a scenario where I need to update the status of a sales order from ‘To Delivery’ to ‘Completed’. For this, I usually create a delivery note. Instead of doing this, can I simply update the status and per_delivery field to ‘Completed’ and 100% respectively? Is this a good idea?"

hmm :thinking:

I think not, but test it locally if the requirement is fillful.

@NCP Yeah, this fulfills my requirements, but I’m unsure about the potential impact. Could this cause any significant issues in the ERP system?

You have to test it locally and check the effect with customization and without customization.