Is There A List Of Unreconciled Payments Somwhere?

For reasons related to business processes, we need to have all of our Sales Invoices to have no outstanding amount left when there is no outstanding amount unpaid. This is not a tautology, since a Customer can have a balance of 0 in the General Ledger while Sales Invoices possess an outstanding amount. This is caused when there are unreconciled Vouchers that should be applied to the Sales Invoice in question.

We would like to view some type of list or report containing unreconciled entries so that we can be sure everything is reconciled. For us, Sales Invoices that have an outstanding amount affect certain reports, so we need a way to find all of the outstanding amounts that have been paid so we can reconcile them away.

Is there some sort of report we can run to find Customers that have unreconciled vouchers?


You can get the same in " Accounts Receivable" Report.


Divyesh Mangroliya

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How can you identify them in the Accounts Receivable report? I’m more of a programmer than an accountant.


You can check the outstanding columns of Accounts Receivable Report for the details and do the manual payment reconciliation to knock of the same.


Divyesh Mangroliya

Our accounts receivable report is over 200 rows long. Outstanding is just the unpaid invoices. I’m looking for unpaid invoices that have payments.

How do I find them among the outstanding without scanning the entire report? Or how do I find them at all?


You may create the query report to achieve the same.


Divyesh Mangroliya

If you’re looking for payments that haven’t been reconciled, couldn’t you just filter your Payment Entry list view for anything with Outstanding Amount? That should show you all payments that haven’t been matched to an invoice of some sort.

Well, that makes sense :sweat_smile:

Thanks peterg! It’s nice when these things are simple.

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Yep! The Payment Ledger introduced in v13 is great, and it opens the door to more complicated payable/receivable workflows. The Accounts Receivable report mangroliya mentioned will give you an overview of all that, but it doesn’t sound like that complexity is needed for your use-case.

On the Accounts Receivable report, you could also just filter the “Voucher Type” column for Payment Entries. It should give you the same results.