Is there a way for non-administrator user to add an Employee?

I’m logged-in to my own highly privileged account (including HR Manager role, which has full permissions on the Employee doctype).
However, I cannot create a new Employee or even list Employees who are not me.
Is it possible for non-Administrator user to create and modify Employee documents that are not their own?

I believe user permissions restricting the employee has been set for that user.

As an administrator (or even this highly privileged account should do) go to the user list and see if there are any user permissions created for that user.

When mapping users to employees in the employee doctype, if the check box “create user permissions” was ticked, then it’d restrict the employee to see only their and their reporting employee’s documents.

You just have to delete the user permissions for employee to see other employee’s data. (Usually HRs should not have this restriction.)

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That did the trick!

I think the confusing thing is the name of “User Permissions”. It seems like it really should be called “User Restrictions”, since it creates a type of filter for a given user!

I just knew it was something silly like that.

Nonetheless - thank you @Void_Moon !

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