Is there a way for Subscriptions to not automatically submit invoices


There are some subscriptions where we don’t want the invoice to be automatically submitted.

From Subscription documentation, I understand there is a setting to not automatically submit invoices, but I don’t get to find where this setting is located or if it is possible to just generate subscription invoices as drafts.


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Are there any new informations about this setting? Facing the same problem but cannot find the option.

I found the Check-Box for “Submit Invoice Automatically” but it seems that is it not a global erpnext-wide preference but a subscription-based one.

The checkbox can be found for a specific subscription > Invoices (where the generated Invoices are listed) > “Submit Invoice Automatically”

I think you should save the subscription first and then uncheck the option, then proceed to submit.


you can customize the doctype and delete the default option for the Submit Invoice Automatically to make it unchecked as per default.

Hope this helps