Is there any Auto Save Option in ERPNext while working on any Quotation or Sales Order?

Is there any Auto Save Option in ERPNext while working on any Quotation or Sales Order?

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Hi @Nibedita_Gouda,

For what?

In by default system does have not an auto-save option.
if an applicable reason then you can use the client script.


@NCP Thanks for a quick response.

In case of a Network connectivity issue, the quotation link gets break and Team has to re-work on the quotation so to save time and avoid re-working, auto save will be beneficial

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For network problems,
So that case, the custom script does not work. :sweat_smile:


Hi @Nibedita_Gouda,

but you work on quotation then suddenly network lost, but you stay in page after some time network will come then you can save quotation form.



There is no auto save option in ERPNext


Did you get any solution yet? I have a custom app/document which require auto save in an interval.

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Write a custom script that will prompt user to save at x frequency.

Alternatively, user can just do ctrl+s to keep saving similar to any word, Excel document.


That’s good idea. If possible, can you advice a bit detail like how to trigger the custom script, what should be the action script to save current document etc. Just hints.

Personally I don’t know how to write scripts. Am more of operations person. Maybe some community members would come to your assistance. Read frapp framework documentation. You would understand how to do if you have some JavaScript knowledge

I have done it using following code

               setInterval(() => {
                }, 300000); // 300000 is the interval in miliseconds

in refresh event of the JS file.

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@mijan1373 thank you for the JS snipppet. But how to integrate this? I would like my timesheets to auto-save.

Auto save function is running on the form even without any changes

We can check if the current doctype is dirty before calling save