Is there any option to remove header and footer in login page

Is there any option to remove header and footer in login page in Frappe Cloud

1- create custom app
2- copy www folder from frappe/www to your_app/www .
3- edit login.html and remove them . you can use css to just hide them .

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i am using frappe cloud. from frappe cloud how can i access the folder

i am using frappe cloud, is there any option to customise login page as you said

@Robin_Mathai I don’t know other solutions sorry

Hi @Robin_Mathai
You can hide the footer or add custom footer using DocType Website Settings. Also you can hide the signature from here.

To access Website Settings, go to:
Home > Website > Setup > Website Settings

Hi @Robin_Mathai,

Please check the post.

Thank You!


it works perfectly!

is there any option to hide, Chat from login page

Hi @Robin_Mathai,

Please check the post.

Thank You!