Is there some app like has for wizard creation of an account and subdomain?

Hi everyone,

Is there some app like has for account registration wizard?

I like the pricing page [1] and the creation of the account and comprobation and creation of subdomain [2] when clicking on any of the price buttons.



I think GitHub - frappe/bench_manager: Frappe app for managing bench might point you in the right direction.

According to the description in github:

“Bench Manager is a graphical user interface to emulate the functionalities of Frappé Bench. Like the command line utility it helps you install apps, manage multiple sites, update apps and much more.”

Those are web pages in our website app GitHub - frappe/erpnext_com: website

Hi @netchampfaris.

I see they are web pages. I looked into them and I didn’t find the way of comprobation and creation of subdomain.

Thank you.

Hi @littlehera

In the bench_manager I didn’t find how to comprobate and create a subdomain like in first pricing plan of


@fabyc We have an internal application called “central” that helps you do that.

All the sub-domain setup and management is part of bench. We just use Vanilla bench to manage all the sites. There are ansible scripts to call bench commands remotely on sign up events.

User management is also part of frappe (use can use site_config.json) Setting Limits for your Site

Hi @rmehta

It would be great to have and download some similar app like yours for people we don’t have so much knowledge of programming. :smiley:

I didn’t find the project you’re talking about: Vanilla bench

Thank you very much for your great help

By vanilla, I meant - just the bench as it is. is run 100% on bench using the same config tools. (without any additional setup)

Ohh. :grin:

I thought it is another project. :grimacing:

Thank you

@fabyc did u find a solution to create a subdomain?