Issue accessing my erpnext installation from domain/ssl

I can not using the domain my site is linked to. I am using ssl certs

Here are my site_conf and my nginx/enabledsites config:
upstream frappe-bench-frappe { server fail_timeout=0;}ups - – enabledsites config
{ "db_name": "name", "db_password": "pass", "db_type": "mariadb", "devel -

Any help would be amazing, My certs are actually signed certs and all ports are forwarded properly. I had a previous working install of erpnext with them but i forgot what i did to fix it last time.

It is a clean install of ubuntu server with a new install of ERPNExt V14

Let me know if you need more information.

Thank you,

Any help please ?

Im a idiot, I had the SSL folder as SSL not ssl . Dumb caps lol