Issue Embedding Mapbox in ERPNext Custom HTML Block

Issue Embedding Mapbox in ERPNext Custom HTML Block

System Details:

  • Hosting: Frappe Cloud
  • Frappe Framework Version: v15.44.1
  • ERPNext Version: v15.38.1
  • Navigator: Google Chrome Version 129.0.6668.90 (on Windows 11)

Problem Summary:

I’m trying to embed a Mapbox map inside a Custom HTML block in ERPNext, but the library doesn’t seem to load, and the map is not displayed.

Steps I Followed:

  1. HTML Block: I defined the map container as follows:

    <div id="map" style="height: 400px; width: 500px;"></div>
  2. JavaScript Block: I’ve tried to load the Mapbox library and initialize the map in the JavaScript block:

    frappe.require("", function() {
        mapboxgl.accessToken = '**my_token**';
        const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
            container: 'map',
            style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11',
            center: [-74.5, 40],
            zoom: 9


Despite following this approach, the Mapbox script doesn’t load, and the map doesn’t display inside the #map container.

Expected Result:

To successfully load the Mapbox library and display the map at the specified coordinates.


Can you please guide me on the proper way to embed Mapbox in ERPNext or suggest adjustments to ensure the Mapbox JS library loads correctly?

Thank you !