Issue in Address

when i refresh the page, the check boxes are unchecked.

  1. Before refresh::

  1. After refresh::

Iam to tick these checkboxes for multiple addresses.
If i check the check box for multiple addresses, it it automatically removed for all address except the latest updated one.
Need help to solve this !!

Thanks in advance!

Tested. Everything is working fine. No problems were encountered in the latest version 15.

Please check it.

@NCP Thank you !!
But not working properly in my local and server also!

If not updated version, then apply it.

bench update

// or

bench update --reset
// (first take a backup)
bench --site migrate
bench --site clear-cache
bench build --force

Oaky @NCP Sir, thank you!

@NCP I did it sir,
but still facing same issue!

Please check if any client or server scripts are applied.

If applied then remove or comment out it.

No @NCP sir, no triggers are there on this.

We tested multiple times, but we haven’t faced the issue.

And we also checked the address doctype code, so nothing related to that has changed.

Iam also unable to identify where the issue persists !